There have been a lot of things said about politics, with some people referring to it as “a game” or “a game being played dirty”. If you previously defined it as such then you do not know what is politics yet.
The word politics is derived from the Greek: Πολιτικά, politiká meaning the affairs of the state: the production of goods and services; allocation and distribution of goods and services, furnishing answers to the fundamental economic questions that are what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce it for, or even who has to produce (the state or the private individuals).
There is a disinclined interest in politics generally in developing nations because of the vast misconception of what politics really is. It is ingrained in people’s minds that politics is aligned to corruption and that is not precisely accurate.
Politics becomes a game if the 99% (citizens) are reluctant to intervene in politics and condemn the 1 %( officials) where things go wrong. To achieve that, citizens should make a call for responsibility, transparency and accountability upon people elected to deal with the affairs of the state or nation. Gratitude to democracy, granting freedom of expression to people and the right to choice, utilizing social podia, which is the most powerful tool today in politics and entertainment, citizens are positioned to make their voices heard. However, misuse of such platforms amounts to misinformation.
You did not know? Now you know!